Friday, August 6, 2010

Him ;]

only we know what is talked about babyboy ! so yeah this goes out to him and only him. he knows who he is what he means to me. i cant wait to be your wife when that day comes.because you love me with all my flaws and you expect them for what it is. for that i will forever love you my friend.i really cant wait till i have your love all over me.
xxxo Kiara

Sunday, August 1, 2010

ughhh wtf !

Soooo i can't sleep due to a head cold you know the stuffy nose watery eyes sore throat ears popping like pistol stiffy in the necky... Just pressure in the face type ish. I should do wonder in heaven do you catch colds in the summer... Or in hell ? ! Because this isn't the freaking life.... Btw its 15 mins too 4:00 AM SOO SLEEP IS SOMETHING THAT S H O U L D BE HAPPENING !!! Maybe more pillows will help until the next goood morning or goood night like old people pissing it all DEPENDSSS ;]